Employee Spotlight: Bahaa Al-Neama

Welcome to our Employee Spotlight Series, where we take you behind the scenes to meet the incredible individuals who form the backbone of METAFOR!

Meet Bahaa Al-Neama

Project Architect | Calgary Studio

Who or what inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

When I was a kid and at a hot summer hot day back home, I was visiting family friend house, that house built from a brick house and when we went down to the basement, there was a cool breeze coming from a whole in the wall, I was astonished and wondering home come this breeze coming from that opening without any mechanical or electrical equipment, when I asked my dad, he explain to me how the local Architecture played an important role in their lives, in the days where no technology were available like today to control their built environment that observation lives with me till today.

What is your favourite part of working at METAFOR?

Working everyday with talented, energetic and passionate people to solve design and project issues and deliver a great design to our clients and community.

What is your favorite project that you have worked on or that you are proud that METAFOR was a part of? Why?

Every project I worked on is my favorite and I am proud off it, at each project I learned new things and produce the best result the team and myself we strive to deliver.

Which of our Core Values resonates with you the most and why?

We Are Loyal Stewards: Empathy and leadership are the most values that resonate with me, in fact that what encouraged and motivated me to join METAFOR, without empathy you won’t feel valued, heard and included; Once you feel valued and included you will feel supported and have the courage to grow the leadership aspect in you.

What inspires you in life? What are you passionate about?

Listening to people stories and learning from their experience give me inspiration in the way I think and approach my daily design and project issues resolutions, solving design issues and learning new things is what motivated me to do my work.

What hobbies, activities, or passions bring you joy outside of the office?

Tennis, table tennis, hiking and scuba diving

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

I would travel to Samarkand in Uzbekstan, I am always fascinated by its history back to the days of silk road and its mud brick Architecture.

Tell me something about you that most people don't know.

My passion to design and hands on production driven me to develop my hobby to wood working and crafting small furniture.

