Employee Spotlight: Claudia Schaaf

Welcome to our Employee Spotlight Series, where we take you behind the scenes to meet the incredible individuals who form the backbone of METAFOR!

Meet Claudia Schaaf

Principal | Calgary Studio

Who or what inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

This is so long ago, I don’t even remember. 😉 I think it was the ability to create and being able to see results.

What is your favourite part of working at METAFOR?

The METAFOR team is an amazing group of people. We are incredibly diversified, with many different backgrounds, personal stories, and talents. Our team brings such richness to the studio culture and it makes coming to work everyday a joy. It's not only the fantastic culture here, its also the work. We get the privilege of  working on some great projects and collaborating with an amazing group of clients. Its never the same day twice. Every aspect of our work is unique and bespoke to each and every client. Our integrity and purposefulness in what we do helps us make tomorrow better than today.

What is your favorite project that you have worked on or that you are proud that METAFOR was a part of? Why?

Not sure there is a favourite project. All our projects are so unique and important to our clients. I guess every project that actually get designed and built is a favourite project!

Which of our Core Values resonates with you the most and why?

Loyal Stewards - As part of my involvement with BEFA, being a Loyal Steward resonates most with my commitment to being a steward of my profession and to sharing knowledge openly.

What inspires you in life? What are you passionate about?

Always being curious and looking forward to what every new day will  bring.

What hobbies, activities, or passions bring you joy outside of the office?

Cross-country skiing, (yes still!), camping, kayaking, hiking .. anything outdoors in the mountains!

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

Antarctica ... for the cooler weather and the amazing wildlife and landscapes.

Tell me something about you that most people don't know.

Most people don't know that I love to refinish furniture.
