Employee Spotlight: Gordon Franklin

Welcome to our Employee Spotlight Series, where we take you behind the scenes to meet the incredible individuals who form the backbone of METAFOR!

Meet Gordon Franklin

Associate | Edmonton Studio

Who or what inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

Since very young (which is many many years ago!!) I have always valued good design/quality in everything over just having something. I would rather wait and do without until I could afford something that had better design, quality and aesthetics. Combine this with an interest in how things go together, how they are constructed and many summers of construction work as a young boy/man, and here I am!!

What is your favourite part of working at METAFOR?

Being able to work on a wide variety of project types and being able to please a wide variety of clients with the end results of our work together with them. Of course this only happens when you get to work with the every changing group of people that have worked at the firm over the years.

What is your favorite project that you have worked on or that you are proud that METAFOR was a part of? Why?

I am proud of all the projects I have had the opportunity to work on with METAFOR. Grace Village of Hope - METAFOR has been particularly rewarding project as the facility replaces a very run down end of life building/location that they were formally in and the appreciation voiced from both client and residents has been terrific.

Which of our Core Values resonates with you the most and why?

We Are Purposeful: Definitely the most important core value to me. Critical to have our Clients understand that we are doing our best possible for them, that both them and us enjoy the experience of working together and that we can be trusted with everything that is important to them. This ‘trust’ component of this Core Value is key to everything in achieving a successful project. Trust between Client and METAFOR, between METAFOR and Contractors and trust between staff members within METAFOR.

What inspires you in life? What are you passionate about?

At my age, waking up is a good thing !!!  😊 It’s great to get up knowing you have the support of your family, that all of them are well, and to remember that we are fortunate to live and work where we do. I try to make the day ahead about more positive than negative things and try to just be a good person to everyone. The rest will take care of itself. My focus always has been in developing a good relationship with our clients, to try to educate many in the value of good design and to show them that every project no matter the value is worthy of professional commitment and excellence.

What hobbies, activities, or passions bring you joy outside of the office?

I enjoy a wide variety of ‘passions’: playing sports (especially volleyball- indoor and beach-and downhill skiing for example), listening to music of almost all genres, being outdoors, travel and gardening.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

So  many places to see!! Right now probably south of France doing a rent your own canal boat trip!  😊 Amazing scenery, great food, historical villages, great wine, usually good weather– what could be better!

Tell me something about you that most people don't know.

I have had the opportunity to play volleyball in 4 World Masters Games; Edmonton, Sydney Australia, Turin Italy and Auckland New Zealand. These games, held every four years in between Olympic years,  are the largest group of athletes from around the world gathering to play sports.

