Employee Spotlight: Megan Robins

Welcome to our Employee Spotlight Series, where we take you behind the scenes to meet the incredible individuals who form the backbone of METAFOR!

Meet Megan Robins

Building Envelope Engineer | Calgary Studio

Who or what inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

When I was in my teens, my father worked in construction and even started his own company. He used to challenge me to look at architectural drawings and apply the math skills I was learning in school to see how they are used in actual, realistic situations. His strong work ethic and passion always inspired me.

What is your favourite part of working at METAFOR?

My favourite part of working at METAFOR would have to be the people. I am constantly inspired by the brilliant minds and unique skill sets of the people I get to work with. Their passion for learning and willingness to consider other points of view is infectious, and it is truly a privilege to be part of such a supportive and encouraging team. By having these amazing people around, it makes work feel even more enjoyable and rewarding.

What is your favorite project that you have worked on or that you are proud that METAFOR was a part of? Why?

One of my favourite projects that I have worked on thus far is the Petrofina Tower. It is an existing office tower undergoing being converted into residential. It has many challenges such as maintaining the heritage significance as per the requirements from the city of Calgary. In order to meet the funding requirements, the project entailed building envelope upgrades without disruption of the exterior façade. My team and I reviewed the physical condition of the exterior building components. We also created models to review heat and moisture transfer through the existing condition and the new proposed condition, to examine how freeze-thaw cycles impact the wall assemblies. It is a multidimensional project involving the building envelope, which I find quite dynamic and interesting.

Which of our Core Values resonates with you the most and why?

We Are Loyal Stewards: ‘we have an innate desire to make an impact and change the lives of the communities that we operate within’. It is a fundamental human desire to seek a sense of purpose. Working with a company that recognizes our ability to create long-lasting and positive impacts in our community amplifies this sense of fulfillment. By collaborating within such an organization, we are confident in our ability to make a difference in the world around us.

What inspires you in life? What are you passionate about?

The human experience is a source of inspiration for me as well as the journey of growth, constant learning, and the ability to adapt, is truly remarkable. In reality, there are no set requirements for us to be anything more than what we already are. Yet we have a life full of endless possibilities, waiting to be explored. I often find myself facing challenges that push me beyond my initial limitations, leading me to places I never thought possible. I am fascinated by the potential this life has to offer and the experiences that come with it.

What hobbies, activities, or passions bring you joy outside of the office?

I love taking my Siberian Husky, Aurora, out for walks with our neighbours and their dogs. It is always nice to get some fresh air and spend time with our furry friends or meet friends and acquaintances in local dog parks. Thanks to Aurora's love for the cold, I've been able to find joy in the winter season. It's amazing how a simple change in perspective can make all the difference.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

The Mediterranean Sea calls out to me as the ultimate destination. Its warm weather, incredible cuisine, stunning architecture, rich culture, and the vastness of the sea all come together to create an amazing experience, that is both soothing for the soul and invigorating for the spirit.

Tell me something about you that most people don't know.

From the time of my birth until the onset of my adulthood, I had the privilege of living in a single place of residence. This home was built on the mountainside in British Columbia with gorgeous views overlooking the valley. Living in Kamloops played an integral role in shaping my identity and memories where we spent winters travelling to Sun Peaks ski resort and summers travelling to the family cabin on Shuswap Lake.

