Employee Spotlight: Wei Zhang

Welcome to our Employee Spotlight Series, where we take you behind the scenes to meet the incredible individuals who form the backbone of METAFOR!

Meet Wei Zhang

Intern Architect | Edmonton Studio

Who or what inspired you to pursue the career you have today?

I’ve been always interested in design. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a car designer (preferred) or Architect. Now, I’m glad I’ve achieved my childhood dream.

What is your favourite part of working at METAFOR?

I’m so lucky that I’m working with a group of friendly and talent coworkers. I always enjoy conversations with them as it’s a process of generating great ideas and learning staff.

What is your favorite project that you have worked on or that you are proud that METAFOR was a part of? Why?

It’s hard to pick one as my favourite, as each project has its unique challenges. For this question, I’d pick Canmore Fire Station Canmore Fire Station - METAFOR, although I only worked on the project during early design phase and a little bit of construction drawings. It’s one of the fist two projects I worked on in my architectural career and now it’s near completion, so it definitely gives a sense of fulfilment.

Which of our Core Values resonates with you the most and why?

Intentionally Curious. I enjoy the experience of learning new things, thinking and finding solutions.

What inspires you in life? What are you passionate about?

I’m glad I picked a path where there are different things and challenges everyday, and most importantly, that’s something I have enjoyed doing.

What hobbies, activities, or passions bring you joy outside of the office?

I’m a car enthusiast and a big fan of Motorsports. I occasionally do go-karting or take my car to racetracks (I enjoy the experience but not necessary good at it). Apart from that, I also enjoy hiking. I appreciate the beauties of nature.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?

There are so many places I want to visit, but for the top 3 on my bucket list, I’d say Germany, Chile and Iceland.

Tell me something about you that most people don't know.

Kengo Kuma is one of my favorite Architects (https://kkaa.co.jp/en/), and I was lucky to meet him in person. Thanks to my professor Dr. Brian Sinclair! https://sapl.ucalgary.ca/about/people/brian-robert-sinclair
