Southview Affordable Housing

The design vision for this project was to harmonize the varying adjacent contextual conditions of the building typologies and uses by illustrating a universal theme of connection and belonging — fitting into the neighborhood, not onto.
  • Residential

Project Details

The project's design vision alleviates the perception of density by splitting up large block building masses, allowing for increased sightlines and view corridors through the development, and stepped forms to minimize impact on adjacent residents.

Fiscal considerations were of primary importance for this project with funds available to only achieve a maximum 25-year lifecyle return for the project. As a result, the focus was on the urban realm and durable exterior materials for the building façades that exceeded the current National Energy Code by ±30-35%.

The 200 residential units include mid-market affordable housing; filling a large gap in the non-market housing spectrum for the adjacent community. Through composition that includes 1,2 + 3-bedroom units types, the project responds the to socio demographics of the surrounding area, which is increasingly composed of families (single and dual parent), and seniors. Southview will be an 'Aging in Place' environment by virtue of a fully inclusive site including circulation, barrier-free units in excess of 21% of the total, and overall unit composition and design that fosters internal flexibility potential for live and work environments.

  • Residential
Year Completed
  • Calgary, AB
City of Calgary
Prime Consultant
Bing Thom Architects
± 230,000 ft²
± $35 Million
Awards + LEED Certifications
Calgary Heritage Authority Lion Award (2012); Prairie Design Award; Award of Excellence (2012); Mayor’s Urban Design Awards (2012)

    By incorporating community gardens and green houses, along with fruit bearing native trees and planting, the project aims to establish a program to increase food security for the residents and the adjacent community.

    Additionally, the building entrances are located within integrated fissures promoting appealing sightlines and view corridors that will incorporate graphic walls that will be determined by the community residents. (Ex. art program through adjacent schools, community identity etc.).

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