William Watson Lodge

Overlooking lower Kananaskis Lake in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, the William Watson Lodge provides year round barrier-free wilderness lodging. The lodge has two types of building profiles, a main lodge and cabins.
  • Hospitality
  • Seniors
  • Mountain

Project Details

The lodge has additional supportive infrastructure such as parking areas, pathways, and decks. Through our findings, the previous design of the main lodge and cabins did not fulfill staff and visitor’s expectations and needs.
Additionally, the absence of diverse interior spaces tailored to different users and experiences was also missing. Both buildings presented challenges for continued function under the current conditions and design. The goal of this facility is to connect people of all abilities and ages to the surrounding landscape and nature. It was William Watson’s vision to improve the social and environmental conditions for persons with disabilities, seniors, and their loved ones.
  • Hospitality
  • Seniors
  • Mountain
Year Completed
  • Kananaskis, AB
Alberta Parks
Prime Consultant
Colliers Project Leaders
± 14,000 ft²
± $6.85 Million
Awards + LEED Certifications
LEED® Gold & A4LE Alberta Chapter Award Honourable Mention

    METAFOR was then engaged to modify the existing lodge and cabins to meet current building code and standards for barrier-free access and improve the building envelope performance of the immediate surrounding infrastructure such as decks and pathways.

    The idea was to modernize and enhance the property, allowing the development to be more user-friendly, durable, and low maintenance. The interiors are timeless, relaxing, and secure. METAFOR believes that fundamental to the success of the William Watson Lodge is the design of a facility that is a true representation of the values of Alberta Parks, whose core three principles include: universal design, sustainability, and safety and security.

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    William Watson Lodge

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