Bridlewood Affordable Housing

This residential development is a combination of smart master planning, the built form, and a sustainable mindset to further support the City of Calgary’s mandate to becoming a leader in affordable housing.
  • Residential

Project Details

The Bridlewood Affordable Housing project will provide a combination of two and four bedroom stacked townhomes equaling 62 affordable housing units with interior planning that affords flexibility for the end user depending on family and cultural values.

The design of the Bridlewood Affordable Housing project focused on the relationship of the site with adjacent communities and their respective connection to the existing site. Instead of creating a walled off perimeter housing development, the site is designed to be open and welcoming, making a direct link to the south municipal reserve through a community-based playground and hub.
The natural qualities of the development were brought into the site through landscaping and playground equipment, open sightlines, and designated pedestrian circulation networks. The energy performance requirements include a 26% better than NECB 2015 target for eight buildings and ±40% better than NECB 2015 target for one building. Additionally, the accessibility requirements of the project include a fully inclusive site including circulation, barrier free units, and overall unit composition and design including larger turning radii for scooters as well as directly adjacent parking spaces with alternative front doors to limit the distance disabled people would have to travel to their units.


Year Completed





City of Calgary


Prime Consultant


± 80,000 ft²


± $15.3 Million

    The project underwent a rigorous value engineering process to align the budget with the client’s vision and goals.
    This involved the team optimizing the mechanical and electrical systems, innovations to the building assemblies and enhancing the façades. All of this was completed while still maintaining the integrity of the design and providing a development that connected the residents with the surrounding community and neighbourhood.
    The combination of smart master planning, built form, and a sustainable mindset will further support the City of Calgary’s mandate to become a leader in affordable housing.

    It also directly addresses the three areas of the City of Calgary’s “Triple Bottom Line” environmental, social, and economic responsibility. This project focused on strategic uses of materials, while reallocating funds for the energy performance requirements and maintaining the high-end design qualities by the operator, Calgary Housing Corporation.

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