The Mondrian Mixed Use

Located in the heart of West District, this development includes two, six-storey, mixed-use residential buildings that have been designed to foster and establish a sense of community, connection, and vibrancy into the lives of its residents.
  • Mixed Use
  • Residential
  • Retail

Project Details

The two mixed-use buildings, though identical, are mirrored in a way that allows the material articulation of their front façades to express themselves uniquely.

Depending on ones’ perspective and orientation in relation to each building, the mirroring creates different visual arrangements and articulations that give each building an individualized identity and creates unique visual interest. This is further emphasized through the subtle offset of balconies that through their angled composition, provide both private space and community-driven connectivity between suites that encourages interactions with neighbours.

  • Mixed Use
  • Residential
  • Retail
Year Completed
  • Calgary, AB
Truman Developments
Prime Consultant
Colliers Project Leaders
± 144,000 ft²
± $40 Million
Awards + LEED Certifications
LEED® Gold & A4LE Alberta Chapter Award Honourable Mention

    The complex spans the whole block, creating an all-encompassing neighborhood experience, interwoven with retail shops and services accessible at a pedestrian level.

    This creates convenience and consistency in the lives of locals. The complex features high-efficiency elements, including a separated parkade ramp that divides and allocates space for retail and residential sublevel parking. This allows for an efficient and natural separation and parkade stacking to occur. Further to this notion of mixed-use is the incorporation of a rooftop amenity space that encourages and supports various recreational activities for residents  —  prompting people to come together.


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